
Machu Picchu Tour Services is a company in the tourism sector dedicated to the sale of tourism services nationwide through intermediation of services with other tourism companies and is committed to comply with current Peruvian legislation on the protection of personal data of its users in accordance with Law 29733 (Law on Protection of Personal Data and its Regulations).

All information provided will be duly treated and preserved in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Law, so Machu Picchu Tour Services is committed to the protection, handling and proper treatment of personal data to which it has access in the operation of its business, the collection and correct use of personal information, ensuring the quality and security of information, respecting the rights of individuals with respect to information about themselves.

The purpose of this document is to establish principles, uniform practices and responsibilities regarding the treatment of personal data in which Machu Pichu Tour Services is involved.

Use of personal data

Machu Picchu Tour Services will collect customer information to identify, locate, communicate, contact, send information, comply with the obligations we have contracted with the customer, to offer our services, and maintain a record of users, and improve our services.

Our website collects personal information, such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, among others. Also, when necessary, specific information may be required to process an order or make a delivery or billing.

Our website collects information in order to provide the best possible service, particularly to keep track of users, and to improve our services.

We have an advanced system that is constantly updated to ensure that there is no unauthorized access.

Once the client’s personal data is registered, it will be kept in the different secure digital channels that Machu Picchu Tour Services has and whose access is limited only to other companies that have a relationship with us.

In case of requirement of any authority, your personal and/or sensitive data may be made available to them, in strict compliance with Law 29733.

The processing of personal data, which is made available to the company, may be carried out in accordance with these terms and conditions, so from that moment it is understood that expressly authorize the company, until not express opposition to it, established in Law 29733.

In this sense, having made and accepted the use of personal data it is understood that they are incorporated into the customer database of the company and the use of such information for management purposes in the contracted services, the same that can be done through third parties.

The use of your personal data for treatments that involve the development of commercial actions, the remission of advertising, information, gifts, offers and / or promotions of Machu Picchu Tour Services services.

In this sense, you declare to know that the subscription of this authorization is free and voluntary, therefore, does not condition the granting or management of any of the products or services offered by the company.

The website may contain links to other websites that may be of interest to you. If you visit other links and leave our site, we no longer have control over the site to which you are redirected, therefore we are no longer responsible for the privacy and protection of your data on such external sites.

Such sites are subject to their own privacy policies and we recommend that you check to see if you agree to such policies.

Rectify or cancel the use of personal information

At any time you may restrict the collection or use of your personal information, which is provided through our website, as well as rectify in case they are incomplete or inaccurate and cancel them when they are not required for any of the purposes stated in this notice or are being used for purposes not consented.

Machu Picchu Tour Services will not sell, transfer or distribute the personal information of our clients, unless required by a judge with a court order.

Machu Picchu Peru Tours reserves the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time.

Gercetur MTS
Municipalidad Cusco MTS
Agencias de viaje MTS